Friday, July 28, 2006

Soul Searching

Going mad for the past few days. Haha really having a bash in school with float and all. Actually it is not the building of the float, but the extreme eye power that is involved in looking at the freshmen working hard too get things done. They're really doing a good job so far. And they are one enthusiastic lot. During medicamp and after medicamp. Hope both the M&Ns show the same enthusiasm towards their academics later. (M&N= Medicine and Nursing)

"I've never been the one making decisions for you. I make my own decisions. You make yours. Don't make your problems mine unless I don't mind. If I have a solution, I'll tell you. But if I don't, don't bug me. I think you are just growing into my nerves. It's time we broke up."

This was a conversation that I heard when I was in bus 74. The girlfriend was practically stinging her bf. And guess what? This was all about what the bf wanted for dinner later. HAHAHAH!!! Breaking up over a disagreement about dinner. How cheap is that? I guess BGR are not what they used to be in the past. Maybe in the future, couple will break up because the guy does not use the same toothbrush as the girl.

Without Wax


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