Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Bored to Death

Did not do anything much today...really. But finally managed to complete my blog page...custom created right from the start..but had to poach sum parts of the script. But most scripters do it anyway. Maybe I should post my design up...maybe not..too personal. Oh well.....I have all the time in the world to think about it!

"Money is the root of all evil." How many times have we heard that before? But do we not realize that technological progress and mankind's existence depended on money? I think it pretty much does. Imagine a scenario whereby money was not invented. Our only medium of exchange will be through barter exchange. So we will have to give something in return for something that we want, e.g a shirt for a knife. However in the money econonmy, money becomes an effective medium through which an exchange of goods can occur, as money has some unit value. Moreover, in a barter economy, we would have to diversify ourselves; making things that only have exchange values such as farming, producing guitars and so on. In a money economy, we can specialise and still earn what is required.

That is why money may have just led us to where we are now! And I have all the time in the world to think of more stuff to talk about!

Without Wax


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