Sunday, July 31, 2005


It's been a long time since my last entry! How time flies! Nah it's just that I was damn lazy to put up any entries, me being me typically! So what has the maverick doing for the past few days.......
1. Looking for tuition assignments! Need the money seriously!
2. Bought a new laptop, which I named it as Lappie, to replace old notebook (aka Notie??)
3. Admiring my newly shelved room that is now even more spacious. (Can play indoor badmintion...KIDDING).
4. Planning where to put what in my newly shelved room!
5. Looking for a cheap router....a hassle to switch connection between my com and lappie!!!!(Lazy Shariff Syndrome!)

I think tt's about all the highlights that I can think about..oh!oh! and...
6. Gonna try out contact's do or die time!!!

haha!!! dunno why but I don't really dare to put them on. Call me a sissy or watever but it's just that I find the idea of something foreign in the eyeball awkward!!! Ahuh!

Without Wax