Monday, July 18, 2005

Crystal Ball??

16 Yrs Ago........I thought that ........Dun't remember what i was thinking about.....
12 Yrs Ago........I thought that I my neighbours were the Power Rangers.
10 Yrs Ago........I thougth that I won't live past 18
08 Yrs Ago........I thought that I won't be able to get past PSLE
06 Yrs Ago........I thought that I can live by myself.
04 Yrs Ago........I thought that I have to prove myself to others.
02 Yrs Ago........I thought that I made the wrong choice by going to a JC.
00 Yrs Ago........I thougth that I had nothing better to blog about then about what I thought 16 yrs ago


Oh well...

I came across and interesting message today...from one of those inspirational charts. It was about a baby. Have u noticed how a baby tries to stand up but falls and laughs? Have u noticed how a baby takes a wobbly first step and falls down after 2 or three steps and smiles? But it doesn't stop there! It gets up and tries againg and again until it can walk! When we fall in the face of then get up again with resilience that can break the ignorance of many. Then only can we achieve wat we ventured out for!

Without Wax


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