Today is a special day..maybe not special in that sense of memorable but it is one of those days that can never slip out of your mind. I enlisted exactly a year ago from today. Haha 1 year has already past just like that. My friends are already talking about ORD and stuff... haha... mine's like in 2014...that's about the time that cars should start flying and humans can live in peace together. Like that's going to happen anytime in this century.
But yet no matter mundane, like mine, or exciting life was, everyone has to remember that we all went through the greatest adventure in life, and yet we can't remember a single thing that had happened. From a single cell to a complex organism that is able to think and more importantly question! Many things can go wrong and yet everything seems to fall in place like a well rehearsed theaterical piece. Thing about it....The human fetus first starts receiving sensory inputs from the external environment by 24 weeks or slightly earlier. Opening its eyes, hearing funny noises, feeling hot and cold, not yet smelling but definitely tasting. But can you remember anything? Defenitely nothing at all!
Things do go wrong though. And when they do, there are usually mitigating factors like teratogens and germline mosaicism and such! Sometimes a lady does not know she's pregnant and therefore may drink, smoke.......basically because let's say you get pregnant on day 15 of your menstural cycle, (day 14 is ovulation day) the first menstruation occurs on the 28th day or around 2 weeks from that. But no menses occurs but you thing the cycle screwed up and wait for the next one..that is 4 weeks from that. That is when the fetus is about 6-8 weeks. This is a period of time known as embryogenesis, the most important phase in the 1st trimester. Anything going wrong here will manifest as a physical disorder e.g. Fetal alcohol sydrome...
So lesson to learn..take care of your bodies, especially the ladies. Your body is your temple..don't harm it. Take care of it and it takes care of you!!
Without Wax