Wednesday, September 28, 2005


The big toe is also called the hallucis..haha yup hullucination.. coz its big.. dunno why. Oh and the thumb is called the pollicis--> pollicy to show importance. haha looks like my latin improves with a greater knowledge of the human anatomy!!!

Nothing much happened in school today...infact its a relaxed day... ended in about 3 hours but really slacked at home. Have alot to do for anat!! Damn!!! Oh and I'm out of printing paper!!!! How my life revolves around printing paper!! never did buy them for a whole year and now....becomes a requirement!!!

All my juniors and younger cousins are all having exams..Don't give up hope!!! Even if prelims was screwed..there's always the A's or O's to count on...too tired to continue...bye

Without Wax

Monday, September 26, 2005

When the cows Moo

Another day in medical school sloathes by.. haha is there such a word...maybe.. don't bother checking the dictionary... it probably isn't. Wat did I learn today? ATP coupling and Transamination..hmm...interesting... well not really that but it was...interesting nonetheless! I think I had the weirdest dream on my way back home...I feel asleep in the train.... haha

Well the dream went like this: The train stopped halfway between Potong Pasir and Serangoon aka Woodleigh.. which was the old Biddadari Cemetry. The doors opened and a crowd of people just rushed into the train.. @ 1pm.... But the only problem was that they were all wearing white and red.....wierd...well I thought they were nationalistic or something and that someone was celebrating same thing to bring out the sense of belonging or something of that sort. But then the train didn't move after that...and it remained stationary. Some young noisy kid sat beside me and kept similing at me... He was so thin...such that if I had palpated him...I would have only felt his bones... so I got up and wanted to walk to the front of the coach when the boy started to pull my leg..............Psyche!!!! Get it?! Pull my leg!! Haha...

Oh well

Without Wax

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Crunch time

Okay..time's really running fast... seems like i've just entered medical soon and poof...semester break and poof! FAs and Poof! it'll be the CA's soon.. not far from now..only 1 month or so I figure...really time flies. Well atleast there will be a term break but still CAs are a big thing..and it also looks like I've neglected my blog!! Haha same old lazy me!!

Okay..semestral break was lacklustre I a flu bug but other than that didn't really study much..... On the flip side, had a good time out with Moots, Law, ET and dan!!! It's good to spend time with people that I haven't seen for a long while! Oh well!! Btw, the Myth is really not what I expected....i mean it was funny and comical and oh the costumes and sets were beautiful and elaborate!!! I loved that but the ending..well not really what someone would expect..I'm not really a critic but go watch the movie and you will understand.

It's back to another hectic week in YONG LOO LIN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The Spear

We look before and after
And pine for what is not:
Our sincerest laughter
With some pain is fraught;
Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought.

Give not way to solitariness and idleness...
Sperate Miseri;
Cavete Faelices

(If unhappy, have hope;
If happy be cautious.)

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Wake me Up when Sept Ends

One week break!!!Yay!!! Finally a breather! Damn!! Skool just started and there is a break. But nooné's complainin( I wonder who would?--oh i think i noe who! haha Won't tell u!!!!) Oh well!

Life in NUS is really pretty good. I mean true enough muggin has become part and parcel of our lives but still there time to do many other things. It's all about choices that we make. Nobody does that for us now..or atleast for me. One good thing about my parents is that they let me make my own decisions without any interference. I don't have a curfew....can even come back @ 4 am and there won't be any complains or nagging. No influence on choices...i get to do what i want to do... which is good...and no control over expenses.... but maybe it's just because they trust me and I would do nothing to betray that trust. But, as what I was saying,or typing, life's all about choices that we make. Who we are today may not be who we will be tomorrow! So make a wise choice...that's today's message of the day..month or something like dat!!

Well I noe that I've not been talking to alot of people lately..... it's just me. I mean I'm still pondering over the incident at the chalet. I mean it's just that Í said that day wasn't meant to be said as such....was just damn tired after not sleeping for night and doing stuff... but that's no excuse....that's why I'm pretty much learning how to "shut up".. haha as what one had said...."Shariff you should learn how to shut up! Why do you appologise after killing someone!"....Hey but I didn''t kill anyone was meant to be a joke!

You know sometimes you try to do something to help someone or compliment someone because noe he/ she has the potential but in the end u just get forgotten...I guess that is life...sometimes.....nevermind....

Without Wax

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Genuine Peace will never be attained with the elimination of chaos, confusion and conflict. In fact all three are essential to the continuance of life. Without chaos, there is no open space for future possibilities. Without confusion, old ideas and ways of thinking stick around well beyond their time. And without conflict, ideas and approaches fail to reach their full potential, never having been sharpened in the intense conversation of critical assessment. Peace of the sort that brings wholeness, harmony and health to our lives only happens when chaos, confusion, and conflict are included and transcended.

Nonviolence means avoiding not only external physical violence but also internal violence of spirit. You not only refuse to shoot a man, but you refuse to hate him. – Martin Luther King, Jr.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Who Are You?

So i've not been blogging for some time...what's new? It's just that I'm too lazy to do so or to busy to do so... well that's been the case lately. Work is starting to get onto me know. But I kindda like the pace so far. I don't know why!!! But what the heck.. once you start, you can't LET'S GET IT STARTED IN HERE!!!

Katrina....took away many lives, homes, friends, family, loved ones, dreams, hopes, aspirations, inspiration..even humanity. The ugly side of humanity reared it's head..looting..stealing and taking away something that was someone's initially. If law and order breaks down... people will do anything that they wanted, infact anything desirable will become uninhibited. Why? Why do people not forget a social nigata!!! Why?

oh well

Without Wax