Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Book of Days

Yay! I've bought my books already!! So prepared for year 2 but don't really want to start that soon anyway...haha...but time waites for no one and time flies when we wonder what lies ahead!

I've really been busy for the past few days. Orientation. Orientation planning is as always time consuming. Last week, I was in Suntec from 1400 Hrs to 2300Hrs. Well it was not all work. Played this irritatingly decieving game in the arcade that really took away my money. But it made me realise something. Okay the machine is the kind where you can win a prize. Basically you are suppose to align the bricks such that they don't fall off and reach the top most point. There are two stages. Once it reaches this zone called a minor prize, it pauses and you are suppose to choose whether you want to stop or continue. The minor prize was menthos sweets. So on I went to try for the major prize. But no matte how agonizingly close to winning I was, I could never win. So was it me? Therefore I waited and watched others play. And guess what, out of 15, no one went for the minor prize! Everyone gunned for the Mp3 player, and Samsung HP. Haha!!! That's what you call a carrot complex. Always gun for the biggest prize and forget the smaller ones although they are of the same value. Won't tell how much I lost in that dumb machine.

I'm feeling sleepy now as it is 1 am......

Without Wax

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Of Chronomics and Haptics

Last week was Professional Developement and Communications week..PDCP in short. Intially I thought it was boring and for nothing..worse still was the exam at the end of it on friday. But I would say it was fun. Really got to know why people do stuff and that really got me interested. I'm going to sit down infront of PS one day and see if people really behave as such. Haha.. Chronemics, Haptics, paralinguistics, iconics, dress...then there's still Cooley, Mead and I. Goffman and of course not forgetting Street and many others. Who are these people? Well they are guys who sat infront of malls and shopping arcades of their times and observed people...And after that, they decided to come up with theories....hmm...what a life..and their names live on in immortality.

Yesterday, after the exam, Sam and Co. decided to go watch the Da Vinci Code. So we to Harbourfront MRT. Shariff told Sam to hurry up or we'll miss the train. But that fell on deaf ears. So as the doors were closing, Sam rushed in ...and he got stuck...between the doors with his bag. Hahahahah!!!!! I should have taken a photo!! Damn was too slow to react. Luckily the doors opened slightly and allowed him to come in. That was a sight you don't get to see everyday. I guess the bunch of girls reacted more than us guys......Girls are more expressive than guys..guys are usually just racaous and raunchy...(was an opinion said during PDCP tutorials).....Sam is okay I guess but does he have NEL-o-phobia now? Hmm........a life changing event usually creates a personality change.. I guess I'll have to look out for that haha!!!

Without Wax

Friday, May 12, 2006

Dilemma again!

Was reading BBC online when I came across two distinct articles but both regarding something of an issue. One was about prisoners on hunger strike being force- fed through nasogastric tubes in Guantanamo. The other was about a debate in the Lords over assisted death (euthanasia). As a medical student, these two events stir up some confusion within me.

In Guantanamo, prisoners were forced fed by medical officers of the US forces. Now the international convention is that when a prisoner or someone goes on a hunger strike, the doctor is only there to advice him against it and inform the risk of doing such things. In other words, the doctor is not suppose to forcefully end the hunger- strike and if the person dies or goes into coma, then it is not the doctor's fault.

In the Lords, the debate is about helping terminal patients "die with dignity"versus improving palliative care so as to ensure their passing eventually. "Do no harm" So is assisting terminal patients to die a case of harm or just simply hastening the process.

Personally, I feel that helping a person die is equal to killing him. Even if your're dying, fight on till the end. Then people will say this person died fighting and will respect him/her. But of course I cannot imagine the agony and pain a person goes through but I will not help him die.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Pure gold

Throughout the years, men have strived to yield pure gold. But pure gold is too soft for any use. It requires impurities and alloys to be of any practical use. Likewise purity is impractical in life. We have to be evil once in a while. Hahah...what words of wisedom.

Oo Draconian Devil
Oh Lame Saint!
(may 15)

Without Wax

Sim city and Shariff's office

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Lecturse @ 8am

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The Secret Garden?

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Horsing around?

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Michelangelo's notebook

Alot has happened over the days. Exam results, Careers Talk and Moving on to year 2.

Big event of the week: 1st Professional M.B.B.S Examinations results.
I passed. Not really the wohoo kind of great but decent enough. So I can finally start thinking about M2 life now. From M1 to M2...feels like I've crossed a milestone. Maybe because I've survived it. Finally living out my dream. Fact of the matter is that I thought I can never make it to med school. Coming from a neighbourhood school, average decent grades. So I thought the next best thing was in life science. But What a stroke of luck! God works wonders in his own ways. It is truly He who knows our innermost thoughts. Hmmm...time to start buying books. A trip to Yunan is on the charts.

As it was in the beginning, it will now and ever shall be.........

Without Wax